Friday, February 18, 2011

Share a part of yourself - it's the natural thing to do!

You know what you're good at - it might be to motivate others, to do a chore for someone that saves them time or to simply provide an ear and shoulder to cry on.  We often admire other people's strengths and traits and wish that we could be more like his or her. And in the process we oversee our own positive offerings to our community and society as a whole.

My extreme challenge for today is to do good to others in such a way that comes natural to you.  You might give someone a compliment, a hug or a word of encouragement.  You might give someone flowers or a chockie or you might offer to do something for someone.  The point is that you share a bit of yourself - something we should do more often so that it becomes a spontaneous, natural act in our everyday lives!

Be kind by being, and sharing - yourself!  

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