Thursday, February 3, 2011

Be a hero - it's in your blood!

I don't know if you've been introduced to the South African National Blood Services' most recent campaign yet?  Be a hero - it's in your blood!  I think it's a very witty tagline!  Isn't it part of our core being to be - or to strive towards becoming - a hero?  To be someone's super hero at some stage, even only for a day or a few hours?  Those that think that this is absolute nonsense have just not realised it yet (my humble opinion).  

So thanks to the great initiative taken by the South African National Blood Service we have the opportunity to be a hero, and the best part is that it will take you less than an hour to achieve this 'status'.  I would love to put on my superwoman suit and save the world in true Catwoman style, but I know that this will do more harm than good (my self esteem is in a good place right now, wouldn't want to ruin that in one easy step)! So, the better alternative for me is to donate blood today, and then every 56 days thereafter.  Quite easy to be a hero then, it is in my blood after all! ;-)

Don't know where to donate?  Click here

Have a splendid day!

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