Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wake up and smell the roses...or khaki-bush, but smell!

Why is it that we always count the days until the weekend, or our holiday, or to Christmas (like I did myself a while ago)?  It's good to look forward to special events in one's life, but doesn't that imply that we wish that the clock will just tick a bit faster so that we can experience the event sooner?

I try to live in the moment, to apply 'mindfulness' (at least when I actively think about it every now and then), but most of the time I fail miserably, because I'm already thinking (and wishing) for Friday to come, so that I can go on holiday.

But what if today is my very last day, what if this will be my last post, the last thought that I share with a few people?  If we knew when our last day will be (and I know there are many arguments stating that this is a bad idea, which is not necessarily untrue), will we live our life - today, differently?

This is my motto for the rest of December (at least) - to really experience moments in my life, and not only looking forward to the big events.  My dearest friend lost her dad over the weekend, very abruptly.  It seems as if it takes big events (such as the passing away of a loved one) to serve as a wake-up call, although we know so well that life can change in a split second.

It is just me that struggle with these very simple facts of life?  I'm going to make myself a cup of tea, smell the approaching rain outside and embrace what life brings to me today - the good, the bad and the ugly.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think it is a bad thing to look forward to special occasions, and to 'count the sleeps' until the day finally arrives, but I do think that this should not be what motivates us to get out of bed in the morning. 

Is this a silly resolution (and it's not even New Year yet)?  ;-)

Have a splendid Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. So true, l'l miss mentor! Sometimes we just need to pause and capture a moment in our hearts. I think it is an awareness of small things that we need to cultivate. Appreciating our everyday blessings add up to a thankful existence. Thank you for making me pause today :-)
