Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The world according!

Words of wisdom written or spoken by smart people seem to amuse us.  We get inspired by other peoples' words or actions and think that we should remember and apply it to our own lives.  This is a good thing - we should learn from others' insights and mistakes. 

But have you ever really thought about the life and legacy that you will be leaving behind some day?  What will people remember when they think about miss mentor?  Are there any quote or act that you will be remembered for? It might be that people remember our acts and quotes of kindness but we will most probably also be remembered for the not so kind - the harsh and mean things that we did or words that we've spoken.

The important thing is that we will be remembered for something - good, bad or ugly (a combination of these three is perhaps the most likely outcome).  That we felt strong enough about certain issues that we had the guts to raise our voice and have our say.  That we shared our thoughts and made suggestions, knowing that many people will disagree.  That we've established our own way of viewing the world, our own style, our own motto.  

Let's share our life - inspired by numerous people, books, events and experiences, but, according to me!

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