Monday, July 4, 2011

Mandela Mondays...throughout the week!

“It’s in your hands to make the world a better place.”

"This is what Nelson Mandela said during his 90th birthday celebrations when he appealed to all citizens to rise up and do something.  Now, every year on his birthday, 18th July, South Africans are called to contribute 67 minutes of community service.  The campaign is designed to honour Madiba’s legacy of devotion and service to others. By dedicating 67 minutes to making the world a better place, we harness collective energy to build our communities" (LeadSA).  Mandela Mondays is therefore part of the build-up towards celebrating Madiba's birthday on the 18th of this month.

The important thing is, how can you and I contribute?

A good and trusted starting point is GreaterGood SA's online giving community – This is South Africa’s largest and most-trusted interactive database of 1,250 pre-checked non profit organisations. You can search for and connect with worthy organisations in your neighbourhood and ask them what you could do for them.

To do our bit is as easy as 1,2,3:

1. Go to
2. Click on the ‘Mandela Day’ banner
3. Sign up to a project in your area – and take your first step to changing your world.

The challenge would be to make this spirit of giving and sharing a part of who we are and how we choose to live our lives.  Let's commit to this challenge for the month of July and see how it goes.  We might just discover that kindness really is contagious.

Have a sharing, caring week!

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