Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What if...I could spend one last day with my granny?

Have you ever wondered how it would be to spend one last day in the company of your beloved gran?

Here's to all our loving grannies - if we had
one last chance we would give you his!
Many of our 'twenty-somethings' grew up with a granny as part of our 'primary caregiver team'.  She might have stayed with your family (seeing that grannies seems to live the longest in the granny/granddad equation), or lived around the corner.  Even if she stayed in another town or province most of us looked forward to visits to our granny, knowing that we will get
away with anything but murder ;-)

My granny's house was the place where you could eat as much coconut cookies as you like, drink coffee with condensed milk (every time) and drink soda stream concentrate for a much needed (she believed) 'energy kick'.  I have to admit that most of these absolute no-no's were only revealed to my mom during the last five years or so - another privilege o f having your granny nearby - not she or any of your siblings (mostly) will ever reveal the mischiefs (and calories) that were 'consumed' behind her doors.  Grandmothers in arms!

What if you had one last opportunity to spend a day with her - would you choose to sit by her feet, really listening to all her stories from 'the good old days'?  Or take her for shopping where she could choose anything she wants (you know that if you leave it up to her she won't choose anything - you will probably have to put all her favourites in her trolley)?  Or invite her for a lovely dinner (lunch might fit her schedule a bit better) so that she can finally get to know the person that you've chosen to spend the rest of your life with?

I'm not sure - maybe a 'granny greatness' day where all of her 'favourites' are combined.  If you were given the opportunity tomorrow, how would you choose to spend that one last day with your granny?

(Dankie Johanni, hierdie een is vir jou) ;-)
Ek dip sommer 'n ouma!


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