Thursday, November 18, 2010

Surviving silly season

We're in the midst of  the 'silly season' and I'm sure no one wonders why this time of year is labeled as such.  Year end parties, projects at work that need to be finalised, family get togethers and last minute holiday planning are on everyone's to do lists, and yet it seems as if these lists are neverending!

I remember that very last paper of each exam on varsity - it usually was the subject that needs the least studying for but I always dreaded writing (or rather, preparing for) that last one.  Why?  Simply because it's the final round of the race - the end is near but still seems so far!

I often relive those exam memories during November.  And I've concluded that the best way to stay motivated and energised (okay, let's stick to motivated and leave 'energised' for the January edition) is to keep life simple and limit my exposure to stressful situations as far as possible.  That means declining invitations to events where I don't have a special interest in and saying no to people that I'm not particularly fond of.  It could also mean saying no to people - period.  I create me-time where my sole objective is to do something that I enjoy and which makes me happy. I do feel quite creative, strangely enough, and get these wonderful ideas in the middle of the night, but I will implement these (well, hopefully one or two of them) as from January 2011. Not now.

My strategy for the next four weeks is to 'hang in there' - it's nearly time for relaxation and rejuvenation! I do realise that this is not the reality for all, but I also trust that those who won't be able to take a break during December did so during the year ;-)

Most self-help articles will tell you that the best way to combat stress and fatigue is to eat a healthy, balanced diet, to drink loads of water, to ensure that you get enough sleep and....exercise.  And while this might be true November might not be the best time to be exposed to this 'winning recipe'.

Do make sure that you surround yourself with optimistic people and be on the look-out for the humor in everyday life.  I'm sure many of you have seen this video before but then you'll also agree that a good dose of laughter is guaranteed - enjoy!

P.S.  What is your 'tips and tricks' to survive silly season?  Please share ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Close my eyes and RUN!
    That's what I do :)
