As the world commemorates World Aids Day today it might be a good time to sharpen our knowledge on the virus, how it affects us and how we can live a positive life - in the more general sense of the word.
Some interesting articles I came across:
Do you know the story behind the story? The story of a virus ( provides a detailed timeline of the when, where and how behind the HIV/Aids virus.
"Since the beginning of the epidemic more than 15 million Africans have died from AIDS. Nearly two-thirds of all people living with HIV are found in sub-Saharan Africa, although this region contains only about 10% of the world's population". Read more on The Effect of HIV/Aids on Society.
"When you learn that you have HIV, you feel many emotions: fear, grief, depression, denial, anger and anxiety. There is no cure for AIDS. But there are many ways to live positively with the sickness". Read more on Living Positively.
If we move away from the HIV/Aids subject and just ponder about our lives in general, we might feel a bit overwhelmed and depressed about the current state of affairs in our own communities, country and in the world as a whole. Georgina Guedes gives a positive outlook on life in general in her column, Ten tips to make it better - you'll do yourself a favour by reading it!
P.S. Let's remind ourselves to hang in there - the holidays, or even just a few public holidays if you're not in a position to go on leave - are around the corner!